Want a Free Recipe from the

Saltcliff Inn?

Dahlia Vale might not be prepared to run an inn, raise a tweenager, or solve a murder, but one thing she does know is baking!

People are tough to figure out sometimes. Dahlia’s not great at reading emotion, and her jobs have always had her walking the straight and narrow. Her creative side comes out in her crocheting and baking, which she does in great quantities whenever she’s stressed (the perfect vice for someone called upon to bake all kinds of things for guests every day at the inn!)

If you’d like a copy of Dahlia’s famous Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Icebox Cookie recipe, just fill in your email, and it’s yours! (You’ll also be added to my update list and will get regular news about what’s going on in the Saltcliff world and most importantly, with Taco Dog!)